Saturday, August 31, 2019

Night World : Dark Angel Chapter 7

Gillian felt triumph, wild excitement-and something deeper. An emotion she couldn't describe because there weren't any ordinary words for it. David was looking at her, and it was almost as if she could see through his dark eyes. As if she could see inside him†¦ see the way things looked to him†¦ What she felt was a little like discovery and a little like deja vu and a little like waking up and suddenly realizing it's Christmas. Or like being a kid lost in a strange place, cold and bewildered, and then suddenly hearing your mother's voice. But it really wasn't like any of those things; it was more. Unexpected welcome†¦ strange recognition†¦ the shock of belonging†¦ She couldn't quite put it all together, because there was nothing like it in her experience. She'd never heard of anything like this. But she had the feeling that when David kissed her, she'd figure it all out and it would be the revelation of her life. It was going to happen-now. He was moving clser to her, not fast, but as if slowly compelled by something he couldn't control. Gillian had to look down, but she didn't move back or turn her face away. He was close enough now that she could hear his breath and feel him. Her eyes shut of their own accord. She waited to feel the touch of warmth on her lips†¦ And then something in her mind stirred. A tiny whisper, so far back that she could barely hear it, and she couldn't tell where it came from. Tanya. The shock went through Gillian like ice on bare skin. Part of her tried to ignore it, but she was already pulling away, putting a hand up, turning to stare at the window. Not out the window. It was too steamed up now to see anything outside. They were in their own cocoon of whiteness. Gillian said, â€Å"I can't. I mean, not like this. I mean-it isn't fair, because you already-and you haven't †¦ I mean†¦ Tanya.† â€Å"I know.† David sounded as if he'd been hit with ice on bare skin, or as if he'd come up from deep water and was looking around dazedly. â€Å"I mean, you're right. I don't know what I was†¦ It just-it was like I forgot†¦ Look, I'm sure that sounds stupid. You don't believe me.† â€Å"I do believe you.† At least he sounded as incoherent as she did. He wouldn't think she was a total fool; her facade wasn't broken. â€Å"I'm not that kind of guy. I mean, it looks like I am, right here, it looks exactly like I am. But I'm not. I mean I never-I'm not like Bruce Faber. I don't do that. I made a promise to Tanya and †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Oh, God, Gillian thought. And then a sort of inward scream: (Help!) (I was wondering when you'd remember me.) (He made her a promise!) (I'm sure he did. They've been going together a while.) (But that's terrible!) (No, it's admirable. What a guy. Now say you've got to get to school.) (I can't. I can't think. How are we going to-) (School first.) Dully, Gillian said, â€Å"I guess we'd better get moving.† â€Å"Yeah.† There was a pause, and then David put the car in gear. They drove in silence, and Gillian sank deeper and deeper into depression. She'd thought it would be so easy-just show David her new self and everything would fall into place. But it wasn't like that. He couldn't just dump Tanya. (Don't worry about it, kid. I have a cunning plan.) (But what?) (I'll tell you when it's time.) (Angel-are you mad at me? Because I forgot about you?) (Of course not. I'm here to arrange things so you can forget me.) (Then-because I forgot about Tanya for a while? I don't want to do anything that's wrong†¦) (I'm not mad! Heads up. You're there.) Gillian couldn't push away the feeling that he was mad, though. Or at least surprised. As if something unexpected had happened. But she didn't have time to dwell on it. She had to get out of David's car and gather herself and face the high school. â€Å"I guess-I'll see you later,† David said as she reached for the door handle. His voice made it a question. â€Å"Yeah. Later,† Gillian said. She didn't have the energy for anything more. She glanced back- once-to see him staring at the steering wheel. She could see people staring at her as she walked to the school building. It was a new sensation and it gave her a spasm of anxiety. Were they laughing at her? Did she look silly, was she walking wrong somehow? (Just breathe and walk.) Angel's voice sounded amused. (Breathe-walk-head up-breathe†¦) Gillian somehow got through halls and up stairs to her U.S. history class without meeting another student's eyes once. There, arriving just as the bell rang, she realized she had a problem. Her history textbook, along with all her notes, was floating somewhere down toward West Virginia. With relief, she caught Amy's eye and headed toward the back of the classroom. â€Å"Can I share your book? My whole backpack went in the creek.† She was a little afraid Amy might be miffed or jealous at the way she'd run off with David, but Amy didn't seem to be either. She seemed more-awed-as if Gillian were some force like a tornado that you might fear, but that you couldn't get mad at. â€Å"Sure.† Amy waited until Gillian had scooted her desk closer, then whispered, â€Å"How come it took you so long to get to school? What were you and David doing?† Gillian rummaged for a pen. â€Å"How do you know we weren't picking up Tanya?† â€Å"Because Tanya was here at school looking for David.† Gillian's heart flip-flopped. She pretended to be very interested in history. But she gradually noticed that some of the other students were looking at her. Especially the boys. It was the sort of look she'd never imagined getting from a boy. But these were all juniors, and none of them was in the really popular clique. All that would change in Gillian's next class, biology. Half a dozen of the most popular kids would be there. David would be there-and Tanya. Gillian felt, with a sudden chill, that she might not really care anymore. What did it matter what other people thought of her if she couldn't have David? But she had a fundamental faith in Angel. Somehow things had to work out-if she just stayed calm and played her part. When the bell rang, she hurried away from Amy's questioning eyes and into the bathroom. She needed a moment to herself. (Do something to your lipstick. It seems to have gone away somehow.) Angel sounded as puzzled as any human boy. Gillian fixed the lipstick. She ran a comb through her hair. She was somewhat reassured by the sight of herself in the mirror. The girl there wasn't Gillian at all, but a slender, insubstantial femme fatale sheathed like a dagger in black. The girl's hair was silky, the palest of all possible golds. Her violet eyes were subtly shadowed so they looked mysterious, haunting. Her mouth was soft, red, and full: perfect, like the mouth of a model in a lipstick commercial. Against the stark black of her clothing, her skin had the slightly translucent look of apple blossoms. She's beautiful, Gillian thought. And then to Angel: (I mean, I am. But I need †¦ a Look, don't you think? An expression for when people are staring at me. Like, am I Bored or Slightly Amused or Aloof or Completely Oblivious or what?) (How about Thoughtful? As if you've got your own inner world to pay attention to. It's true, you know. You do.) Gillian was pleased. Thoughtful, absorbed in herself, listening to the music of the spheres-or the music of Angel's voice. She could do that. She settled the canvas bag on her shoulder and started toward her locker. (Uh, where are you going?) (To get my biology book. I still have that.) (No, you don't.) Gillian maintained her Thoughtful expression, while noting that heads turned as she walked down the hall. (Yes, I do.) (No, you don't. Due to circumstances entirely beyond your control, you lost your biology book and all your notes. You need to sit with somebody else and share his.) Gillian blinked. (I-oh. Oh, yeah, you're right. I lost my biology book.) The door of the biology lab loomed like the gate to hell, and Gillian had trouble keeping Thoughtful pinned to her face. But she managed to walk through it and into the quiet buzz that was a class before a bell was about to ring. (Okay, kid. Go up front and tell Mr. Wizard you need a new book. He'll take care of the rest.) Gillian did as Angel said. As she stood beside Mr. Leveret and told her story she sensed a new quietness in the classroom behind her. She didn't look back and she didn't raise her voice. By the time she was done, Mr. Leveret's pouchy, pleasantly ugly face had gone from a startled â€Å"Who are you?† expression (he had to look in the class register to make sure of her name) to one of pained sympathy. â€Å"I've got an extra textbook,† he said. â€Å"And some outlines of my lectures on transparencies. But as for notes-â€Å" He turned to the class at large. â€Å"Okay, people. Jill-uh, Gillian-needs a little help. She needs somebody who's willing to share their notes, maybe xerox them-â€Å" Before he could finish his sentence, hands went up all over the room. Somehow that brought everything into focus for Gillian. She was standing in front of a classroom with everyone staring at her-that in itself would have been enough to terrify her in the old days. And sitting there in front was David, wearing an unreadable expression, and Tanya, looking rigidly shocked. And other people who'd never looked directly at her before, and who were now waving their hands enthusiastically. All boys. She recognized Bruce Faber, who she'd always thought of as Bruce the Athlete, with his tawny hair and his blue-gray eyes and his tall football build. Normally he looked as if he were acknowledging the applause of a crowd. Just now he looked as if he were graciously extending an invitation to Gillian. And Macon Kingsley, who she called Macon the Wallet because he was so rich. His hair was brown and styled, his eyes hooded, and there was something cruel to the sensual droop of his mouth. But he wore a Rolex and had a new sports car and right now he was looking at Gillian as if he'd pay a lot of money for her. And Cory Zablinski-who was Cory the Party Guy because he constantly seemed to be arranging, going to, or just recovering from parties. Cory was wiry and hyper, with foxy brown hair and darting fox-colored eyes. He had more personality than looks, but he was always in the middle of things, and at this moment he was waving madly at Gillian. Even Amy's new boyfriend Eugene, who didn't have looks or personality in Gillian's opinion, was wiggling his fingers eagerly. David had his hand up, too, despite Tanya's cold expression. He looked polite and stubborn. Gillian wondered if he'd told Tanya he was just trying to help a poor junior out. (Pick†¦ Macon.) The ghostly voice in Gillian's ear was thoughtful. (Macon? I thought maybe Cory.) She couldn't pick David, of course, not with Tanya looking daggers at her. And she felt uncomfortable about picking Bruce for the same reason-his girlfriend Amanda Spengler was sitting right beside him. Cory was friendly and, well, accessible. Macon, on the other hand, was vaguely creepy. This time the voice in her head was patient. (Have I ever steered you wrong? Macon.) (Cory's the one who always knows about parties†¦) But Gillian was already moving toward Macon. The most important thing in life, she was discovering quickly, was to trust Angel absolutely. â€Å"Thanks,† she said softly to Macon as she perched on an empty stool behind him. She repeated after Angel: â€Å"I'll bet you take good notes. You seem like a good observer.† Macon the Wallet barely inclined his head. She noticed that his hooded eyes were moss green, an unusual, almost disturbing color. But he was nice to her all period. He promised to have his father's secretary photocopy the thick sheaf of biology notes in his spiral-bound notebook. He lent her a highlighter. And he kept looking at her as if she were some interesting piece of art. That wasn't all. Cory the Party Guy dropped a ball of paper on the lab table as he walked past to get rid of his gum in the trash can. When Gillian unfolded it she found a Hershey's kiss and a questionnaire: R U new? Do U like music? What's yr phone #? And Bruce the Athlete tried to catch her eye whenever she glanced in his direction. A warm and heady glow was starting somewhere inside Gillian. But the most amazing part was yet to come. Mr. Leveret, pacing in the front, asked for somebody to review the five kingdoms used to categorize living things. (Raise your hand, kid.) (But I don't remember-) (Trust me.) Gillian's hand went up. The warm feeling had changed to a sense of dread. She never answered questions in class. She almost hoped Mr. Leveret wouldn't see her, but he spotted her right away and nodded. â€Å"Gillian?† (Now just say after me†¦) The soft voice in her head went on. â€Å"Okay, the five classes would be, from most advanced to most primitive, Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Protista†¦ and Eugene.† Gillian ticked them off on her fingers and glanced sideways at Eugene as she finished. (But that's not nice. I mean-) She never got to what she meant. The entire class was roaring with laughter. Even Mr. Leveret rolled his eyes at the ceiling and shook his head tolerantly. They thought she was hysterical. Witty. One of those types who could break up a whole classroom. (But Eugene-) (Look at him.) Eugene was blushing pink, ducking his head. Grinning. He didn't look embarrassed or hurt; he actually looked pleased at the attention. It's still wrong, a tiny voice that wasn't Angel's seemed to whisper. But it was drowned out by the laughter and the rising warmth inside Gillian. She'd never felt so accepted, so included. She had the feeling that now people would laugh whenever she said something even marginally funny. Because they wanted to laugh; they wanted to be pleased by her-and to please her. (Rule One, dragonfly. A beautiful girl can tease any guy and make him like it. No matter what the joke is. Am I right or am I right?) (Angel, you're always right.) She meant it with all her heart. She had never imagined that guardian angels could be like this, but she was glad beyond words that they were and that she had one on her side. At break the miracles continued. Instead of hurrying out the door as she normally did, she found herself walking slowly and lingering in the hall. She couldn't help it, both Macon and Cory were in front of her, talking to her. â€Å"I can have the notes ready for you this weekend,† Macon the Wallet was saying. â€Å"Maybe I should drop them by your house.† His heavy-lidded eyes seemed to bore into her and the sensual droop to his mouth became more pronounced. â€Å"No, I've got a better idea,† Cory was saying, almost dancing around the two of them. â€Å"Mac, m'man, don't you think it's about time you had another party? I mean, it's been weeks, and you've got that big house†¦ How about Saturday, and I'll round up a keg and we can all get to know Jill better.† He gestured expansively. â€Å"Good idea,† Bruce the Athlete said cheerfully from behind Gillian. â€Å"I'm free Saturday. What about you-Jill?† He draped a casual arm around her shoulder. â€Å"Ask me Friday,† Gillian said with a smile, repeating the whispered words in her mind. She shrugged off the arm on her own volition. Bruce belonged to Amanda. A party for me, Gillian thought dazedly. All she'd wanted was to get invited to a party given by these kids-she'd never imagined being the focus of one. She felt a stinging in her nose and eyes and a sort of desperation in her stomach. Things were happening almost too fast. Other people were gathering around curiously. Incredibly, she was at the center of a crowd and everyone seemed to be either talking to her or about her. â€Å"Hey, are you new?† â€Å"That's Gillian Lennox. She's been here for years.† â€Å"I never saw her before.† â€Å"You just never noticed her before,† â€Å"Hey, Jill, how come you lost your biology book?† â€Å"Didn't you hear? She fell in a creek trying to save some kid. Almost drowned.† â€Å"I heard David Blackburn pulled her out and had to give her artificial respiration.† â€Å"1 heard they were parked on Hillcrest Road this morning.† It was intoxicating, exhilarating. And it wasn't just guys who were gathered around her. She would have thought that the girls would be jealous, spiteful, that they'd glare at her or even all walk away from her in one mass snub. But there was Kimberlee Cherry, Kim the Gymnast, the bubbly, sparkly little dynamo with her sun-blond curls and her baby-blue eyes. She was laughing and chattering. And there was Steffi Lockhart the Singer, with her cafe au lait skin and her soulful amber eyes, waving an expressive hand and beaming. Even Amanda the Cheerleader, Bruce Faber's girlfriend, was in the group. She was flashing her healthy, wide smile and tossing her shiny brown hair, her fresh face glowing. Gillian understood suddenly. The girls couldn't hate her, or couldn't show it if they did. Because Gillian had status, the instant and unassailable status that came from being beautiful and having guys fall all over themselves for her. She was a rising star, a force, a power to be reckoned with. And any girl who snubbed her was risking a nick in her own popularity if Gillian should decide to retaliate. They were afraid not to be nice to her. It was dizzying, all right. Gillian felt as beautiful as an angel and as dangerous as a serpent. She was riding on waves of energy and adulation. But then she saw something that made her feel as if she had suddenly stepped off a cliff. Tanya had David by the arm and they were walking away down the hall.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Creveld’s transformation of war Essay

Martin van Creveld is regarded as one of the most influential contemporary military theorist and historians of modern times. Born in Netherlands, Creveld however has spent a life time in Israel studying and analyzing warfare from the vantage point of the faculty of the Hebrew University where he has been teaching since 1971. During these years he has published a number of works on contemporary military warfare. Supplying War, Command in War, The Transformation of War and The Rise and Decline of the State are some of his most important works amongst others. Highly respected amongst military academia, Creveld has been a regular on the teaching and lecture circuit in many parts of the World including the United States and Europe. His thoughts on warfare and the modern military are absorbed by most militaries including of course the country of his stay, Israel. Many military analysts consider, Creveld’s work, â€Å"The Transformation of War† as his most influential as he has brought out a new paradigm of warfare identified as non Trinitarian war, which is a seminal change in military thinking for the first time after Clausewitz in the 19th Century. (Creveld, 1991). This is now compulsory reading for US army officers. Transformation of War is essentially a critique of the Clausewitzian mode of war as highlighted in the 19th Century master’s seminal work on warfare, On War. (Clausewitz, 1976). Transformation of war breaks away from Clausewitzian model of wars determined by the relationship and resolution of the state or the government, the population and the military, a concept which Creveld has denoted as the Trinitarian model of war. Creveld on the other hand argues that warfare has changed considerably as war is fought today by states as well as non states, thus negating the first premise of Clausewitz. (1991). The population is an indeterminate factor in modern warfare and the modern military is incapable of coping with the changing nature of warfare unless it transforms its war fighting modes. The new war which Creveld talks about is not necessarily an engagement between two states and thus in some ways not winnable by modern armies without transforming themselves. Creveld explains war through a five fold prism of theories. The first is to denote those who fight war. As against the modern state centric militaries, Creveld attempts to indicate that throughout history it is not just states but also leagues, cities and religious orders amongst others who have fought war, thus states do not necessarily have a monopoly on war. In the contemporary spectrum also, states are losing their unique status as the makers of war, Hezbollah, Taliban, Tamil Tigers and the Al Qaeda represent the most significant examples. (Creveld, 1991) The second issue brought out by Von Creveld is the relationship between combatants and non combatants. This is no longer rational as indicated in wars of the old determined by internationally accepted legal instruments as the Geneva Conventions. In many cases today, the lines between war and crime have been blurred with prisoners being treated with utmost brutality. (Creveld, 1991). The third issue is conduct of wars wherein tactics and strategies too have undergone seminal change but which comprise of combat between the will of two protagonists where there is congruence of Creveld’s ideas with Clausewitz. The fourth significant issue addressed by Creveld is that war is not just continuation of politics by other means as indicated by Clausewitz but fought for varied purposes including religious, ethnic survival and so on. Creveld seems to suggest that the policy for making war will be as much determined by culture as by the will of states. (Creveld, 1991) A final issue which has been raised by Creveld is of the role of the individual in war fighting, the motivations, the fighting spirit and the factors that make a soldier fight. This should be clearly understood by the military leader as per Creveld. Seen in this perspective the motivations of the suicide bomber of today forming one of the main weapons of the terrorist organization would attain relevance. (Creveld, 1991) Creveld thus provides a broader perspective of warfare which may have greater relevance in today’s wars, than Clausewitz. This is so as he has covered a much wider period of warfare and thus is able to arrive at much broader conclusions on the changing nature of wars. Clausewitz on the other hand appears to have derived the principles from his more recent experiences which came after establishment of the Westphalian order. Viewed in the perspective of the types of conflicts being waged in the World today, Creveld’s views would seem quite relevant. A number of contemporary military writers as Carver have supported Creveld. (Carver, 1981). Moreover a survey of conflicts in which American forces were engaged even as the Gulf War 1991 was going on would indicate the possible simultaneity of conventional and guerrilla or asymmetric conflicts. (Bolger, 1991). On the other hand to view warfare completely as a state versus non state phenomenon may also be out of context. Some recent wars such as the Iraq War 1991, Operation Enduring Freedom 2003 or the Indo Pakistan conflict in 1999 in Kargil could possibly fall in the context of Trinitarian conflicts. Thus the state has not totally lost monopoly on wars. Another issue is of motivation of soldiers. The overwhelming importance given to motivation of soldiers by Creveld appears unjustified in that this may explain the use of say Kamikaze by the Japanese during the Second World War but such tactics despite high levels of motivation do not win wars. To that extent some of Creveld’s theories are not fully directed towards indicating strategies to win wars. Another argument is that of anarchy, if states lose their monopoly of making wars, the World would resemble chaos and disorder. This is seen in many parts of the globe even today. Thus states will continue to be a prime instrument of violence in the years ahead. Notwithstanding the above issues, Creveld has clearly indicated the changes that have come about in warfare and his theories have received considerable support in the military community. The need is to adopt recommendations made by Creveld rationally to political and military organizations by ensuring that societies adapt instruments of violence which are most appropriate to their environmental culture and needs of the times. Thus states should not only prepare for conventional wars but other types of warfare including guerrilla, information, political and cultural and develop their militaries as full spectrum forces. Government and militaries also need to take into account the possibilities of being confronted not just by uniformed soldiers but also by suicide bombers, grenade and gun toting vagabonds, information warriors and even biological warfare agents. The complexity of conflict has thus interminably increased over the years.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

A Girls Best Friend

My best friend is Mo. Shes cute, good looking and not talk too much with the person that she isnt known very well. When you see her first time you might think shes hard to get along with but actually if you understand she well you will know that it isnt like what you see. She has a good smile, big eyes and pretty long hair that will let people want to be friend with her when they see her. In addition, Mo is a responsible person. She always takes care of her Jobs well and finishes the work on time. Shes hard working and organized. She can manage the time very well and everything is in her schedule. Moreover, shes reliable sometime Ill talk to her some secrets and she can keep the secret very well and wont talk to others. I think she is a really nice friend. What is more, Mo is a really good friend for me. Shes the person who understands me well. Shes always beside me when Im upset, listen to me and help me every time when I need help. When I have problem she will give me some advices and help me to solve the problem.Even when I dont understand in the lesson she explained patiently for me to understand every time. I think Im really lucky that I have met Mo and Im very happy we are friend and I think we will be friend forever. To summarizes, I think Mo Is a nice person. She has good appearance, personality and Im very happy that I can be friend with Mo who Is cute, responsible and always help me In everything. Finally, I think friend Is really Important for me and I hope we can be friend forever. But It made my day.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The matrix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The matrix - Essay Example The directors of the movie ‘The Matrix’ are the two Wachowski siblings; they are Andy Wachowski and Lana Wachowski. The two brothers were very enthusiastic about the movie even before the making of it. It was a very ambitious project for them. They have portrayed the religious belief and the conception that they possess in well documented manner in the movie. The religious inclination of the siblings came from their mother. Their mother was originally a catholic, so the directors have got some sort of inclination towards the religious beliefs and conceptions. Moreover, their mother was also a Shamanist, i.e. she believed in reaching to an alternate state of mind. She also used to develop an energy that helped her to communicate with the various spirits. Furthermore, she also used to have the power to enter into the benevolent and malevolent spirits of the universe and can highly influence them. These environments of religion and spiritual beliefs have highly influenced s iblings to have a strong inclination towards it. Hence, they were influenced to make the movie. The movie, ‘The Matrix’, has also shown a suffice presence of the religious and spiritual concepts. Moreover, the two siblings had immensely struggled in their early life of childhood. They also believe that they were able to survive in those struggling days only because of the blessings of the God and the holy spirits (Gerrold 1-257). Literally speaking, ‘The Matrix’ is the development of an object that is influenced by the political, cultural and social environment. There are various religions practiced in this world that believe the concept portrayed in the movie, ‘The Matrix’. Moreover, the religious beliefs conveyed in Christianity and Buddhism shows strong similarity in their doctrines to the message that is being portrayed in the movie. Many people in this world believe that the

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

W 6 Marketing A&S answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

W 6 Marketing A&S answers - Essay Example ent can be made for the use of advertisement, particularly billboard advertisement as forms of promotion rather than communication as the most effective way to approach advertisement in the healthcare sector. This stand is taken with the position that Berkowitz (2010) takes on the public perception and expectation from advertisement. In their opinion, the growing concern of the public on quality and cost as the two most critical variables for consideration when deciding on health service gives service providers a major responsibility to ensuring that they are able to meet the consumer at the point of this perception. Meanwhile, using advertisement for the form of communication only emphasizes on issues of advocacy without giving prior concern to competitive arguments such as differences in quality and cost. Based on this reasoning, it would generally be accepted that the best way to portray healthcare advertisement is to use it as a form of promotion where the advertiser persuades the recipient on key aspects of quality and cost that the company in charge has to offer. In a related study by Sprigings and Allen (2012), it was confirmed that affordability and quality are the most important factors the customers look out for in advertisement. In billboard advertisement also, there is often not sufficient space to say more. The space that is secured would therefore be best used to promote than communicate as communicating advertisements require more space and messages (Berkowitz,

Monday, August 26, 2019

New Product Deployment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

New Product Deployment - Research Paper Example This makes the company strong in thinking globally and act locally. Further to gain grip over the local markets it spends significant amounts on social responsibilities ( The consumption of quantity of tea is followed by the consumption of drinking water. On an average about 3 million metric tons of tea is produced in the globe. The largest producer-countries are the largest consumers as well, and the rest is traded either directly to value-added resellers in other countries or bought through auction on the open market ( 'The UK is the largest per-capita consumer of tea averaging about 3.5 to 4.0 cups per day. India and China are the largest consumers of tea on the basis of total leaf used, and this consumption is largely from internal production.' ( Tea brands are more and more number of people drink tea in the globe. 'It is revealed that tea is the most preferable drink after water' ( Many flavours (as per local and global preferences), different sizes (such as 1000 Gms, 500gms, 250 Gms, 100 Gms, 50 Gms dip tea bags) are brought by research and by the firms including Unilever. There are different blends of tea namely; premium blend which is costly and tasty where as regular blend is cheap and not so strong and tasty. Similarly leaf teas, yellow tea, green tea, iced tea, ice tea are also in the market. Earlier days tea used to be served in hot and now tea also is served in cool. Further 'all teas - black, green, oolong or white provide with an antioxidant boost and just one 200ml cup of Lipton Yellow Label will provide you with around 135mg of antioxidants' ( a) Core product description and potential for differentiation Tea is mostly available in powder format packed in vaccum evaporated packing system. Most of the parts of the globe tea is served hot. Household customers buy and pour in their bottles or containers at the time of using. With this the customers can not take the benefit of packing. Size reduction (form of sachets), to some extrent, solves the problem but increases the cost of the product and is inconvenient to stock the prooduct (unhygenic) after using partially as each sachet can be used for 4 cups of tea to be served hot.. b) Expected product

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Health Administarion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Health Administarion - Essay Example les should be standardized and its performance management should have consistency in applying point values as a health institution (Council of Union Europeenne des Medecins Specialistes, 1996). Regular monitoring, appraisal and feed-back mechanism should be observed by the organization to ascertain that operations, policies and organizational values are applied consistently and without compromise. Error definitions should be define and must allow only the production of quality medical records based on standards. Healthcare facilities must have a quality and transformational system by measuring responsibilities of staff with verifiable factors and standards for quality rating (Council of UEMS, 1996). With proper performance management, the health facility will be able to maintain better customer care service too (Council of UEMS, 1996). Considering all these, the health facility must have effective health program to respond to issues pertaining to leading caused of mortality and morbidity. These leading issues must be addressed with effectiveness and proficiency on patient care. The organization must encourage adopting the culture of education and positive information discourse. Why? This is because it’s the paramount concern of any service institution to plan, actuate, check or appraise and act to review, revise, communicate and monitor. Plans of the institution should be those that can be easily attained and those that can be financially accorded. Such plans must also be consistent to policies and procedures. The same should be contextualized on problems, challenges, politics, social phenomena, and of market situation that has strong influence on healthcare management (Brunello, Fort, Schneeweis, & Winter-Ebmer, 2011). Internal and external feedback mechanism should be inclusive and consistent to documenta tion process, guidelines and error categories. It must involve reviews, communication of its successes and monitoring. This intricate process are undertaken

Market Failure and Government Failure Assignment

Market Failure and Government Failure - Assignment Example The governance failure under these circumstances best describes the law studied for my policy. This is based on the fact that the government is destined to always respond in two ways to market failure and that can be through action or inaction. Both the two approaches can always succeed or fail. Market failure as identified with negative externalities b) Negative externalities occur when the action from one player in the market is harmful to the other. For instance, the factory owners in most instances concentrate on their production than the likely harm that the emissions from their plants are causing to the general public. The pollution secondary thus become secondary to them at the expense of the environment and health of the people. c) Public good and its framing within market failure Public goods have two outstanding features: nonrivalrous and non-excludability consumption. Under non-excludability, it amounts to being prohibitive the cost of non-payers enjoying benefits of certa in goods or services. For example, in the case of a show of fireworks, other people are likely to watch this show from either their backyards or windows. For this reason and on the basis that the one staging the show is not in a position to charge rates for consumption by the observers, then the show is likely to be dismissed. This would happen no matter how strong the demand aspect of the show. The underlying factor, therefore, is that there exists an assumption of free markets determining prices, which prevents market failures. This is entirely false in the sense that situations may arise where those who pollute the environment do not pay for whatever they produce and this already is a market failure. On the same precept, the failures can emanate from the government through actions such as distortion of market prices like when they subsidize production. This has been particularly witnessed in the aerospace as done by most states in Europe. The various policies and the theories dic tating market failure and government failure are blended in such a way that the two are interdependent on one another.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Abdullahkim Muhammad Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Abdullahkim Muhammad - Essay Example Abdullahkim Muhammad changed both his name and attitude, and then he met people in Yemen who promised him that they would give him a place to stay while he goes there to teach English. After going to Yemen, he came back and expressed different views such as not wanting to dance any more, he changed his attire, taking of alcohol. According to the Daily Mail Reporter, Abdullahkim Muhammad did this act in retribution of the Muslim deaths that were caused by the US military who were in Afghanistan and Iraq. The report also states that his father stated that Abdullahkim Muhammad spoke with, wrote a letter to his friends from Hamas, and from the way he acted it showed something was not right in his head. It is also true to say that Abdullahkim Muhammad teamed up with Al Qaeda that lived in the area of Arabian Peninsula, Yemen, and they could have been people who assisted Abdullahkim Muhammad in terms of giving him weapons. From these, it is evident that Abdullahkim Muhammad got assistance from outside in the attacking of the

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing (as a marketer) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing (as a marketer) - Essay Example In the recessive environment, while pricing has remained the dominant problem, the firms are increasingly facing competition from other macro-environmental factors. The after sales service has become critical to retain customers. An effective distribution and delivery system that focuses on time and place has also become vital part of market strategy (ibid). The fast changing preferences of the customers, technology, environment and ethical considerations have become vital elements that impact organization’s performance outcome. The consumer psychology plays strong role in the development of new products. The market strategy therefore needs to emphasize on brand creation and advertising to suit the segmented market. Wal-Mart’s strategy to introduce private label products should not impact the pricing dynamics of firms like Aveda, Kellogg and Starbucks etc. These firms have already created a niche market for their products and their brand strategy is targeted towards the market segment that strongly believes in the credibility of brands. The perceived value of the products of these companies meets the consumption value and therefore considerably satisfies the target consumer. In the age of advancing technology and globalization, the businesses have become highly competitive. Consumers have become the mainstay of the businesses that has necessitated the need for dynamic market strategies. Indeed, understanding the consumer psychology has become intrinsic part of business decision making. The identification and analysis of consumer behavior at different level of interaction helps the companies to evolve strategies for gaining market position. Thus, product development and market strategy are primarily defined by major segmenting variables like age, gender, income etc. These help provide the firms to develop effective market plans so as to influence the buying decisions of the target market. When

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Five Cs Worksheet Essay Example for Free

The Five Cs Worksheet Essay Online and Traditional Education Online and traditional education is very beneficial. They both serve a great purpose as far as helping one further their education, and wanting to get a great career. Traditional education has a lot more to offer, opposed to online courses. With traditional college you are able to get the full ride. You get the chance to get a full sports scholarship, or even a scholarship without having to play sports. As long as your grades are excellent all throughout your years of going to school. Most colleges even go as far as looking at your records from elementary school. You get the chance to join frats and sororities. Get a chance to have a lifetime of sisterhood or brotherhood. Experience what it is like to live in another state. Get to know new people. Able to focus without little brothers, sisters, or even children getting in your way. You get to be in personal contact with professors, who can lead you to different avenues once you finish your major. Get to experience what it is like to have a roommate. Public university promote collaborative learning within in the class room, more they than do in independent studies. Campus life offers many social opportunities and a various selection of extracurricular activities. Universities are either situated in a college town, or the in heart of a big city. You will have a much greater opportunity to meet and develop relationships with many different types of people. You have a greater chance of getting an internship in what it is that you majored in. Most of the time where you have done your internship, the company will hire you on as a regular employee if they feel like you can be a great asset to them. Then you may be able to work your way up in the corporate world. Even if you don’t stay with the same company, you will still have that experience in the specific department. Maybe even from that point you will be able to start your own business in your preferred profession. I know of a few people that took their regular nine to five, and turned into something that they can benefit from for the rest of their life. Turned into something that could move into other cities, states, maybe even countries. It’s all how you want to pursue and perceive your life with the traditional college experience. Of course we can’t forget the parties. This is the main reason that most teens want to go to a traditional college. This is also the part where traditional college can go all wrong. Your loved ones may become into drugs, or into heavy drinking. This may become the down fall of their education. Some young women may become pregnant and miss out on the opportunity of going to the college. Some girls are lucky enough to have parents that will take care of the child while they are away at school. Now as for the online education. I find that it is almost as good as going to a traditional university. With online education you have the luxury of working at your own pace. You don’t have to worry about getting to class on time. Although you do have to make sure that you turn you work in on time. Online college to me is like have a second chance to further you education. I know that they didn’t offer online classes way back when I was born. So those who didn’t get to make it to a traditional college were just out of luck. Until they came up with the bright idea of having online colleges. They accept you with a G. E. D. Even if you didn’t graduate. No you don’t get full scholarships, but you do get financial aid. Along with Pell grants to help you pay for your classes. They give you a chance to pay the financial aid back six months after you have graduated. Some loans that you get want you to immediately start paying them back. In my recent studies I found that online universities charge more for their classes than traditional colleges. I also found that most of the online colleges are for-profit. This means that they charge you more so they can get a cut out of what you have to pay back. Me personally I like the fact that I am able to go to school online, because I am a single mother. I got pregnant while I was still in high school so I never even had the choice of how I was going to further my education. Online universities have opened so many doors for young mothers, and the older generation that didn’t get to go to Moore House University on a full ride basketball, or football scholarship. Online graduates don’t get internships, but when you graduate you will have that degree under your belt. Employers will be happy to know that you took out the time to want to further you education. You are also able to meet new people and collaborate in class online, except you don’t get to have that face to face personal contact with your fellow class mates and professors. You have to go by how they word what they say to determine what type of tone they are saying it in. I like attending online college, because I can work on my own time as long as my work is turned in on time.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Kinesthetic Learning Essay Example for Free

Kinesthetic Learning Essay There are four types of learning styles which is visual, auditory, kinesthetic and reading and writing learners. Kinesthetic learning is also referred to as tactile learning, this learning style consists of the person carrying out actual physical activity in order to learn, instead of listening to a verbal lecture or watching a demonstration. The best learning style, according to the questionnaire and personal experience is the one that suits me the best. This style of learning requires more hands-on training so I am able to grasp the information faster than if I was to watch a demonstration. My preferred learning strategies are things such as physically participating in different things, such as whenever a doctor teaches his nurses about a new procedure, I always have to do the procedure on my own otherwise I probably won’t end up learning. I enjoy doing hands-on work and experimenting and learn well when things are varied and don’t always stay the same. It’s very difficult for me to focus on one thing, I tend to multi-task so I prioritize based on what is the most important and what is the least important, then complete the task. If I have a lot of work to do, I take short breaks and walk around so that I don’t become fidgety and can refocus when I sit back down. To compare my preferred learning styles versus the identified learning styles, there are a lot of similarities such as using all the senses to learning such as sight, touch, taste smell, hearing, also getting lecturers who give real-life examples, hands on approaches and such. I see my learning style as, learning from reality itself. You take real life approaches to everything especially learning, you try to think of a certain situation from different angles. There are a few changes, that I can possibly make to my learning abilities and things that can help me study a little better to keep me more focused. Something I can try would be making my notes on colored paper so that it is more appealing and will make me interested toward learning the material. Another idea would maybe even type out my notes on a computer. I remember, during my years in college in the chemistry lab, I would be so excited to go to the chemistry lab because I loved doing experiements and seeing all the chemicals and taking the test tubes and putting different chemicals and seeing the end result such as different fumes and changing colors and the  result of combining chemicals.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Being Christian: Living For God

Being Christian: Living For God Introduction Christianity is the religion that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, through the Holy Bible. The duration of the last seven weeks have taught me a lot more about Christianity and what it means to be a Christian. I do proclaim to be a Christian, and I was saved in November of 2008. I have always been in church my entire life, and my father and grandfather are both preachers. During this course I have learned a lot, but I would like to highlight three of my favorite topics in writing. The topic I will discuss first is if Jesus claimed to be God. Secondly I will talk about the reasons it does matter how a Christian lives their life. Lastly I will discuss whether or not Jesus needed to be born of a virgin. Section One- Did Jesus claim to be God? Jesus was never actually quoted in the Bible saying the words I am God. But, that does not mean he did not claim to be God. Jesus said in John 10:30. I and the Father are one. Jesus receives worship many times in the scripture. If Jesus were not God he would have told people to not worship him, or stop worshipping him. Also, if Jesus were not God his death would not be abundant enough to pay for the sins of you and me. A human being could not pay the penalty required for sin against a boundless God. Only God could take on the sins of the world, die and be resurrected on the third day, proving His victory over sin and death. Jesus was referred to as many different names throughout the Bible. He was called Master, Savior, Messiah, Alpha, Omega, The Good Shepard, and The Lamb of God just to name a few. I chose to write about this topic simply because, some people do not know or understand that Jesus and God are one in the same. Some people believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but not n ecessarily the same being. This was indeed one of my favorite subjects to learn about during this course because I have never really thought about and researched the many reasons why Jesus is God. Section Two- If a person is a Christian, does it matter how they live their life? Being a Christian means you are living for God. It most definitely matters how a Christian lives his or her life. To be a good Christian there are several things you should practice. The Bible is Gods word inspired through Him. Reading the Bible daily to help better understand the word and may answer many questions you may have as you try to live a life pleasing to God. A Christian should pray daily and praise God for who He is and what He has done in your life. Learn to listen to the Holy Spirit, and let it teach, guide, and strengthen you in times of need. Attend church regularly to worship him and grow as a Christian. When you receive Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, you begin a relationship not only with him, but with other Christians as well. All Christians need to learn how to deal with temptation. Temptation is a part of life. The Bible says, Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak (Mathew 26:41). Christians sh ould be prepared for temptation, through prayer and your knowledge of Gods word. All Christians sin, but you must ask for Gods forgiveness for your sins. To me the most important aspect of living a Christian life is to tell others about Jesus. Letting others know about Christ through your words and actions is the only way some people may hear about Christ. The more people we witness to and tell about Jesus, the more souls we will be winning for Christ. I know I am a fairly new Christian and have only been saved for about two and a half years now, but through this course I have now learned more about how to serve God in the best way possible that is most pleasing to him. Section Three- Did Jesus need to be born of a virgin? I do think that yes, it was very imperative that Jesus be born of a virgin. Jesus birth was a miracle. It is not normally possible for a woman to conceive a child being a virgin. Jesus was conceived by the Holt Spirit, not by man. Jesus had to be born of the most humble beings to carry out His great task. He was conceived out of wedlock, born in a stable, and placed in a feeding trough for a bed. The astounding birth is definite proof that Jesus is the Messiah and that He is the Son of God. I think the virgin birth of Jesus is if not the most important, but one of the most important parts of the Bible. If Jesus had not been born of a virgin, He could not have died on the cross to save us from our sins. I think it is absolutely amazing how someone could be born a virgin birth, and that is exactly why this is one of my favorite topics of the course, simply because it is just so miraculous. Conclusion To say this course has taught me a lot about Christianity is an understatement. I have learned so much more than I ever thought I would, and actually enjoyed doing so. It is not often someone says they enjoy the readings and doing the assignments for a course, defiantly not me at least. I would say the one aspect that I enjoyed most about this course was the study guides. I would go through all of the readings every week almost like a scavenger hunt, and get excited every time I reached one of the answers. It was also very beneficial in preparing for the various quizzes and exams. I do not think I have ever said I actually enjoyed a college course, but I truthfully enjoyed this course. Being a Christian I think it is fun to learn more about the history and different stories about Jesus. It makes not seem so much like school work, when you can actually relate to it so much. THEO 104 Course Paper Grading Scale (include as the last page of your paper) Possible Points Points Received Content: Does the paper cover the subject as thoroughly as possible? Are three topics covered? Does it demonstrate a personal understanding of the subject? 80 Introduction: Paper has an introductory paragraph 20 Structure: Did student provide headings for each section? 10 Conclusion: Paper is given a concluding paragraph 20 Spelling/Grammar 40 Grading Rubric: Is this page provided as the last page of the paper? 10 Format: Is the paper 12 point, Times New Roman font and one-inch margins, double-spaced 20 Comments from Instructor: Total Score 200

Monday, August 19, 2019

Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Through a Freudian Lens Essay

Without personal access to authors, readers are left to themselves to interpret literature. This can become challenging with more difficult texts, such as Joseph Conrad’s novella Heart of Darkness. Fortunately, literary audiences are not abandoned to flounder in pieces such as this; active readers may look through many different lenses to see possible meanings in a work. For example, Conrad’s Heart of Darkness may be deciphered with a post-colonial, feminist, or archetypal mindset, or analyzed with Freudian psycho-analytic theory. The latter two would effectively reveal the greater roles of Kurtz and Marlow as the id and the ego, respectively, and offer the opportunity to draw a conclusion about the work as a whole. Sigmund Freud’s theories on the construction of the mind are simple, but fundamentally changed the field of psychology. He proposed, among other things, that the human mind is composed of three parts: the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The preconscious consists of information, such as a telephone number, that is â€Å"accessible to consciousness without emotional resistance† (Schellenberg 21). In Freud’s estimation, the unconscious is the most important area of the mind. The information stored within it has â€Å"very strong resistances† to becoming conscious (Freud 32). Residing in the unconscious is the id, which â€Å"contains everything†¦that is present at birth†¦ – above all, therefore, the instincts which originate from somatic organization† (14). From birth, all action is instinctual, from the id. The id recognizes and entertains no desires but its own and is impatient to have its needs met. This phase lasts until a part of the id changes â€Å"under the influence of the real external world† (14). This changed portion b... ...o, while the novella’s archetypal structure glorifies Marlow’s domination of Kurtz. These two analyses taken together provide a much fuller and more comprehensive interpretation of the work. Conrad presents the idea that there is some darkness within each person. The darkness is is inherited and instinctual, but because it is natural does not make it right. He celebrates – and thereby almost advises – the turn from instinct. By telling Marlow’s tale, Joseph Conrad stresses to his audience the importance of self-knowledge and the unnecessity of instinct in civilization. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Penguin Group, 1997. Freud, Sigmund. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. Trans. James Strachey. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1949. Schellenberg, James A. Masters of Social Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness Through a Freudian Lens Essay Without personal access to authors, readers are left to themselves to interpret literature. This can become challenging with more difficult texts, such as Joseph Conrad’s novella Heart of Darkness. Fortunately, literary audiences are not abandoned to flounder in pieces such as this; active readers may look through many different lenses to see possible meanings in a work. For example, Conrad’s Heart of Darkness may be deciphered with a post-colonial, feminist, or archetypal mindset, or analyzed with Freudian psycho-analytic theory. The latter two would effectively reveal the greater roles of Kurtz and Marlow as the id and the ego, respectively, and offer the opportunity to draw a conclusion about the work as a whole. Sigmund Freud’s theories on the construction of the mind are simple, but fundamentally changed the field of psychology. He proposed, among other things, that the human mind is composed of three parts: the conscious, preconscious, and unconscious. The preconscious consists of information, such as a telephone number, that is â€Å"accessible to consciousness without emotional resistance† (Schellenberg 21). In Freud’s estimation, the unconscious is the most important area of the mind. The information stored within it has â€Å"very strong resistances† to becoming conscious (Freud 32). Residing in the unconscious is the id, which â€Å"contains everything†¦that is present at birth†¦ – above all, therefore, the instincts which originate from somatic organization† (14). From birth, all action is instinctual, from the id. The id recognizes and entertains no desires but its own and is impatient to have its needs met. This phase lasts until a part of the id changes â€Å"under the influence of the real external world† (14). This changed portion b... ...o, while the novella’s archetypal structure glorifies Marlow’s domination of Kurtz. These two analyses taken together provide a much fuller and more comprehensive interpretation of the work. Conrad presents the idea that there is some darkness within each person. The darkness is is inherited and instinctual, but because it is natural does not make it right. He celebrates – and thereby almost advises – the turn from instinct. By telling Marlow’s tale, Joseph Conrad stresses to his audience the importance of self-knowledge and the unnecessity of instinct in civilization. Works Cited Conrad, Joseph. Heart of Darkness. New York: Penguin Group, 1997. Freud, Sigmund. An Outline of Psycho-Analysis. Trans. James Strachey. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 1949. Schellenberg, James A. Masters of Social Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press, 1978.

History of Costa Rica :: Culture Cultural History Essays

History of Costa Rica Human habitation can be traced back more than 10,000 years but it appears Costa Rica was sparsely populated and a relative backwater in the pre-Columbian era. There is little sign of major communities and none of the impressive stone architecture that characterized the more advanced civilizations of Mesoamerica to the north and the Andes to the south. When Columbus arrived near Lim ¢Ã‚ ¢n on September 18, 1502 on his third and last voyage to the Americas, there were probably no more than 20,000 indigenous inhabitants They lived in several autonomous tribes, all with distinct cultures and customs. Costa Rica's only major archaeological site is at Guayabo, 30 miles east of San Jos‚‚, where an ancient city, dating back to 1000 B.C. and though to have contained 10,000 people at its peak, is currently being excavated. Many interesting gold, jade and pottery artefacts have been found throughout the region and are on display in several museums in San Jose. The Indians gave Columbus gold and he returned to Europe with reports of a plentiful supply of the yellow metal. But the adventurers who arrived to cash in found only hostile Indians, swamps and disease for their trouble. Several early attempts to colonize the Atlantic coast failed for the same reasons and for almost half a century Costa Rica was passed over while colonization gathered pace in countries to the north and south. In 1562, the Spanish main's administrative center in Guatemala sent Juan Vasquez de Coronado to Costa Rica as governor and Cartago was established as the capital the following year. With no Indian slaves to work the land, the colonists were forced to work the land themselves, scratching out a meagre subsistence by tilling small plots. The impoverished colony grew slowly and was virtually ignored by the Spanish rulers in Guatemala. By the late 18th century, the settlements that would buela had been founded and exports of wheat and tobacco were making economic conditions somewhat better. Central America gained independence from Spain on September 15, 1821. The news reached Costa Rica a month after the event. The question of whether Costa Rica should join newly independent Mexico or join a new confederation of Central American states resulted in a bitter quarrel between the leaders of San Jose and their counterparts in Cartago and Heredia. A brief civil war in 1823 was won by San Jose and Costa Rica joined the confederation.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Planning and Ethics :: essays research papers

AIM Investments is a mutual fund company that is located in Houston’s Greenway Plaza. Founded by Ted Bauer in 1976, the company has grown from a handful of investors and employees to one of the leading fund companies in the United States with over 2000 employees. This paper will describe the organization’s structure, the communication processes within the organization, and suggestions for solving communication problems. AIM’s organizational structure, as a whole, appears to be dominantly based on the Classical approach. Its strong structure, division of labor and vertical hierarchy are clearly visible in its printed organizational charts. At the peak of the company’s hierarchy is the parent company, AIM Management Group Inc., which is the holding company. The five operating subsidiaries- AIM Advisors Inc., AIM Capital Management Inc., AIM Distributors Inc., Fund Management Company, and AIM Fund Services -horizontally fall below the parent company. Within AIM’s transfer agent subsidiary, AIM Fund Services, there are eight departments. Direct Support Services, Dealer Support Services, Quality Support Services, EPIC, Cash Management/Retail Alliance, Client Services, Correspondence and Retirement Support Services have different, but equal responsibilities within AIM Fund Services. AIM Funds Services does not stray from the vertical hierarchy. At the top of the AIM Fund Services orga nizational chart is the president of the subsidiary, to whom the vice presidents of each department report. Our focus will be within Retirement Support Services. Retirement Support Services’ organizational chart does not differ much from the other subsidiaries. The department is made up of six groups; Automation, Listbills, Transfer of Assets/ Rollover, Surgical Strike, Technical Resources and Processing. Each group, headed by an assistant vice president or manager, has from one to four teams. A team consists of 7 to 12 representatives, ranging in levels from II to V, who report to an assistant supervisor and supervisor. The supervisors have direct formal lines of communication with the manager or assistant vice president. Management attends several meetings weekly to discuss uniformity in policies and procedures and to ensure unity of command. Each team member in every group has formal written job duties and descriptions of policies and procedures. Policies and procedures for processing specific types of requests along with job duties for each level of employee are clearly written on the company’s intranet for all employees to access. Retirement Support Services is a very-task oriented environment. The overall responsibilities of the group emphasize task accuracy and efficiency. Planning and Ethics :: essays research papers AIM Investments is a mutual fund company that is located in Houston’s Greenway Plaza. Founded by Ted Bauer in 1976, the company has grown from a handful of investors and employees to one of the leading fund companies in the United States with over 2000 employees. This paper will describe the organization’s structure, the communication processes within the organization, and suggestions for solving communication problems. AIM’s organizational structure, as a whole, appears to be dominantly based on the Classical approach. Its strong structure, division of labor and vertical hierarchy are clearly visible in its printed organizational charts. At the peak of the company’s hierarchy is the parent company, AIM Management Group Inc., which is the holding company. The five operating subsidiaries- AIM Advisors Inc., AIM Capital Management Inc., AIM Distributors Inc., Fund Management Company, and AIM Fund Services -horizontally fall below the parent company. Within AIM’s transfer agent subsidiary, AIM Fund Services, there are eight departments. Direct Support Services, Dealer Support Services, Quality Support Services, EPIC, Cash Management/Retail Alliance, Client Services, Correspondence and Retirement Support Services have different, but equal responsibilities within AIM Fund Services. AIM Funds Services does not stray from the vertical hierarchy. At the top of the AIM Fund Services orga nizational chart is the president of the subsidiary, to whom the vice presidents of each department report. Our focus will be within Retirement Support Services. Retirement Support Services’ organizational chart does not differ much from the other subsidiaries. The department is made up of six groups; Automation, Listbills, Transfer of Assets/ Rollover, Surgical Strike, Technical Resources and Processing. Each group, headed by an assistant vice president or manager, has from one to four teams. A team consists of 7 to 12 representatives, ranging in levels from II to V, who report to an assistant supervisor and supervisor. The supervisors have direct formal lines of communication with the manager or assistant vice president. Management attends several meetings weekly to discuss uniformity in policies and procedures and to ensure unity of command. Each team member in every group has formal written job duties and descriptions of policies and procedures. Policies and procedures for processing specific types of requests along with job duties for each level of employee are clearly written on the company’s intranet for all employees to access. Retirement Support Services is a very-task oriented environment. The overall responsibilities of the group emphasize task accuracy and efficiency.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Intercultural Communications Essay Comparing New York, California and Italy

New York City Suburbs, Middle Class Orange County, And Italy: Explored There are many definitions for â€Å"culture. † The best definition and the definition that we use is â€Å"Culture is a learned set of shared interpretations about beliefs, values, norms and social practices which affect the behaviors of a relatively large group of people. † Culture is often times taken for granted because we aren’t constantly reminded of our culture. It is not until we leave our culture and our everyday norms that we start to realize our own culture and the variances in cultures.This experience will help to expand our knowledge of other cultures, as well as allowing us to understand our own culture better. The first culture that we look at is Zach’s culture. When looking at my own culture, it is difficult to identify which culture that I belong to the best. I think I best associate myself with the culture of my hometown. In a small town just outside of New York City, a variety of different ethnicities occupy this town. Although this is the case, the vast majority of the inhabitants are Italian-Americans, and everyone lives quite a similar lifestyle.As a young adult in this culture, you either start working or go to school. It is expected of both men and women to do one of the two options. Considering the fact that everyone does one of the two, or both, it is unusual and frowned upon to being doing absolutely nothing. The individual in my culture is very important. Everyone is expected to be the best they could be. So, if school isn’t their forte, then getting into the workforce is the path they should take. Whether you go to school or go straight to work does not determine whether you are a success or a failure.Being successful just means that you are doing something that you want to do and making a substantial amount of money to live. People in my culture are glorified more when they have white-collar jobs. Being just outside of New York City, many families have someone that works there. The idea of taking the train to work is something that many adolescences strive before because that is what they believe is what it means to be successful at the time. Young adults in my culture all partake in similar activities and ways of life. There are minor differences in some areas, but for the most part we are quite comparable.In my culture, young adults are always keeping busy. Activities include: from working out, playing sports, going to movies, attending ball games, going out to bars and relaxing at a friend’s house. It is very common in my culture to have a very large friends group, especially guys. A typical day off for anyone could include any of those activities. The day in a life of any person in my culture is busy and stressful. Work and school take up the majority of the day and then other activities, like attending the gym or being part of team, occur post work and school.Dinner is the only time of day tha t everyone has a little bit of time to relax and enjoy family time. During dinner, families converse about events that took place during the day and about upcoming events. Family is very important in my culture. Family always comes first. Whenever a family gathering is taking place, it is more common to attend that event than it is to do some other activity. Pride is something that is in full affect in my culture and any culture in my area. Although everyone associates himself or herself with our local culture, they are still very proud to be a New Yorker.Often times we are thought of as overly confident or cocky. This is probably because we have this mentality that we are the only people on the earth and everything else revolves around us. My culture accurately defines me. I lived in my hometown and with my culture my whole life and I have been surrounded with the norms and beliefs of my community. I am a part of a friends group that partakes in every activity that is common in my culture. We love sports and fitness, as well as going to the movies or a ball game. Although I take pride in having such a strong friends group, I don’t forget where I come from.I love spending time with my family and always dedicate adequate time to seeing them. For example, every weekend I go out to dinner with my parents and my sister. I look forward to events where I can hang out with my extended family because I don’t get to see them often due to how far they live from me. I like to think I have a successful future ahead of me because I am attending a university and have plans of working and living the American dream. Conclusively, my life and personality coincide greatly with my culture and community.Next we take a look at Troy’s culture. In my culture, I have noticed that making a connection with someone, even if they are a stranger you may never see again, is extremely prevalent. Common â€Å"small talk† like asking how their day’s going is highly valued in my culture and to me personally. I have taken small acts of politeness for granted growing up in Orange County and did not notice them until entering other cultures around the world. For example, I find it rude to not hold the door open for someone behind you even if they are ten feet away from entering.Basically everyone does it in my culture but this is not the same everywhere else. For example, I noticed that it is common for people from the East coast to not even realize this small aspect of everyday life. One thing I have begun to miss is the absence of eye contact and smiling at random strangers during everyday activities in public. It personally brightens my day when someone I don’t know passing by gives you a genuine smile without a specific reason. Here in Italy, I have noticed that it is common for Italians to avoid eye contact if possible and it is rare to randomly smile at a passerby.At first I viewed it as they were cold or in a bad mood, but no w I understand that it simply is a cultural difference between our countries. One of my best friends from elementary school through high school is a perfect example of an Orange County middle-class male. His name is Robbie Jepson and he possesses a majority of the qualities of a young male from Southern California. He has long beach blonde hair and tan skin all year round. He loves to skateboard, snowboard, and surf depending on the season. He listens to alternative rock while recognizing the popular Top 40 music.He is unbelievably genuine and extremely close with all our group of friends. Plus, his family is not just his family; they are his best and closest friends. He was always very popular with everyone at our high school, which is why he won Prom King our senior year. He works at Active Ride Shop, which is a well-known skateboarding company, and is training to become a Real Estate Agent. He attended a junior college for two years and then transferred to a university, which is extremely common for students in Orange County trying to save money.He is religious and values meeting people who are equally as genuine as him. He enjoys volunteering in his free time and will always hold the door open for you no matter what mood he is in. All of these aspects I just previously mentioned are extremely common for males in my culture. Over the years, I have viewed him as a role model and try and imitate some of his qualities to become a â€Å"better† person. A typical day for a middle class male in Orange County must be adventurous. I feel that we share a common desire for some sort of adrenaline rush no matter what it involves.We consistently go to the beach, mountains, or desert depending on the time of year. For example, in my life, I have been skydiving, bungee jumping, zip lining, and parasailing which all result in an adrenaline rush. However, there are aspects of my culture that I tend to differ with. For example, country music is unbelievably popular w ith my culture but I cannot stand listening to this genre of music. There are country concerts that basically everyone goes to during spring break every year called Stagecoach, which I never plan on attending even if it was free.I cannot explain exactly why I dislike country music; I just cannot stand when I hear some play it. Another aspect I differ from my culture is the popularity of eating â€Å"fast food† like Taco Bell, Carl’s Jr, McDonalds, etc. I use to eat at these places as a child but I have now realized how unhealthy they are for my body so I choose not to anymore. The only â€Å"fast food† places I will eat at now are Subway and Chipotle and these are not unhealthy like the places I mentioned already. I enjoy cooking at home and would rather save my money to spend on something else.Overall, I have enjoyed being a part of my culture growing up and learning the values and ethics that are apart of being from Orange County. There are still aspects of ou r culture that can be improved upon when comparing to others but that can be said for every culture no matter where you are in the world. This course has broadened my understanding of my culture in a positive way because I had never put much thought into it before because I have grown up in it so it is difficult to question why things work the way they do.Before, I looked at our culture with the mindset of â€Å"it’s just the way it is† which correlates with the story of a fish knowing if it’s wet or not. After reflecting on our own cultures, we interviewed Italians and read articles and books to take a deeper look at the Italian culture. The Italian culture is a fascinating entity. Their norms, beliefs and values are remarkable. The three most highly valued aspects of Italian culture are: religion, food and family. Religion is very important to the Italian culture. The Catholic Church is something that â€Å"present in every community† (Solly 54).The Pop e is highly recognized amongst Italians. The Catholic Church is preferred to tangible and visual, hence pictures of Madonna, the Pope, local saints, and football stars are posted everywhere† (Solly 55). This goes to show the importance of religion and the big part that it plays in the household. Sunday is a day where everyone gathers at the local parrish for Sunday Mass. This is another way of bringing the family together, all dressed in their â€Å"Sunday Best. † As Lisa Anna Izzo describes in an interview regarding Italian culture, â€Å"the fact that Italians are usually always together and eating says a lot! This is nothing short of the truth. Food is so important to Italy and a conversation about Italians and Italian culture cannot end without the talks of food. Pasta is a staple of an Italian meal. It is also one of three course of the Italian lunch. This three-course meal includes a lot of food, like pasta, meat and vegetables. As Lisa Anna says â€Å"You will never go hungry in an Italian household. † Lunch is the meal during the day where the family gathers. Over this three-course meal, they enjoy each other’s company and talk about all different topics, including politics, religion, and calcio.Giuseppe D’Aloisio comments on the importance of family in an interview regarding his idea of the Italian culture by saying â€Å"the town that I am from is very small, therefore everyone is extremely close to each other and sometimes we consider people who truly aren’t family as family. † This is a very interesting quote because in the United States and in my culture it isn’t that common to have such a small town where everyone is that close. But, it just goes to show how important family is for the Italians.For one of my classes, I had the opportunity to go on a field trip to the Grevi hat factory and interview the owners and a few of the employees. Bepe Grevi, the main owner today, talked a good amount about the family company, which was started in 1875. The fact that the company has been in the same family expresses the Italian’s high-context culture. This exemplifies their strong interpersonal bonds, their high commitment, and their closeness between families. In the United States, family businesses do not exist for as long because children often do not want to follow in their parent’s footsteps.They would prefer to branch out and create their own legacy and encourage their children to do the same. It is intriguing to see a day in the life of a young adult in the Italian culture. Football is very prominent in the Italian culture. Most kids and young adults are always kicking a football around with each other. Lisa Anna states, â€Å"kids usually go to the football field and play and everyone goes to hang out and watch them. † Even the people that do not play football are still involved with it because it becomes a retreat for all the youngsters to gather.It is extremely common for friends and family to get together on Sundays to eat a big meal with each other and watch their local football team on TV during the afternoon according to Solly’s Xenophobe’s Guide to the Italians. Spending time with friends is a common practice my young adults. Giuseppe talks of â€Å"riding around on vespas with friends until everyone has to go home for dinner. † Other regular routines included relaxing in the piazza or going to a bar or discotecca at night. Drinking is something that occurs amongst teens and young adults in Italy.There is no drinking age in Italy allowing for teens to start drinking a lot earlier than in the States. In Italy, however, teens and adults, alike, are consuming alcohol in a different manor. They are casual drinkers. For example, it is very common for teens in Italy to have a glass or two of wine with dinner and their families. They are not going out and binge drinking, like teens and young adults often do in America. When comparing the United States and Italian cultures, Italians are much more high context than Americans. Small aspects of their everyday life will provide evidence to back up this statement.For example, when looking at Hall’s taxonomy, Italians tend to use more indirect messages than Americans who rely on direct messages, especially in the classroom. My classes abroad have been much less structured than back home and give far fewer directions for assignments. By no means is this is a negative aspect because it allows students to be more creative with their projects and essays. Another aspect of Hall’s taxonomy is the Italian culture’s orientation to time. It is far more loose and flexible when compared to the American’s orientation to time.An example of this would be the commonality for an Italian to be late to lunch with you because they saw one of their friends on the way and talked to them for twenty minutes because of the combination of their strong interpersonal bonds and their flexible and open time schedule. Whereas, an American would be offended if you showed up late to lunch because they view it as wasting their time. The well-known concept of â€Å"time is money† could explain the difference of cultures more effectively. Americans always have to be on the go and productive or else they feel like they are wasting money in a sense.Whereas Italians are comfortable going through the day â€Å"wasting† their time talking to someone because they enjoy making strong personal connections with friends and family, which I strongly prefer over the hectic American way of life. In our interviews, we unfortunately did not ask anyone about superstition, but it is something we have noticed since coming to Italy. Even as baseball players while growing up, which is a game that involves a great amount of superstitious habits, we have realized that Italians are even more superstitious just by observing them over a couple month span.One example is when talking about their local football team, Fiorentina. They do not like to seem overconfident or say anything before it happens because they do not want to â€Å"jinx† their team. There are other aspects of life that they are superstitious but this is what we felt was strongest and most prevalent when coming to superstition. The Italian culture has a lot of captivating aspects to it. The prevalence of religion, family and food are great intriguing. These three highly valued aspects of their life all work together.The family is a huge staple in Italian culture. Lunch is an important three-course meal that brings together the family with a large quantity of food. The Catholic Church is highly recognized and has great power in the Italian culture. Sundays are dedicated to relaxation and attending Sunday Mass, where again the family is brought together. Italy has a much different view of time, as it is much more lackadaisical than back in the U nited States. Superstitions are widespread in the Italian culture, especially with soccer.Soccer in the Italian culture is a way of life and many youngsters could be seen playing at the field or in the streets or piazza. Conclusively, by looking at the Italian culture and its different aspects has allowed us to strengthen our intercultural competence and overall knowledge of a different culture than our own. After looking at these three different cultures, we came to realize the differences that occur between each. The high importance of friends and friendship is a common ground between all three cultures. A difference amongst the three is the meaning of food and the different types of food.New York City suburbs and Orange County both have their many fast food businesses as well as local restaurants. Food in the Italian culture is all about quality and appearance. Their famous three-course meal supplies an abundance of food for families to gather and feast. In conclusion, by explori ng the social norms, beliefs and values of these three cultures we are now have a stronger sense of intercultural competence and have a better understanding of not only our own culture, but the Italian culture and a different culture within our own country.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Historical Fiction Book Report

Furthermore, after almost 30 years of fighting, Apache leader, Greenroom finally surrendered with his armed forces to General Nelson Miles. Also during 1886, a massive and destructive hurricane demolished the town of Dianna in the state of Texas. Based on my knowledge of life in 1886, if the story were to take place in in Daly City in 2014, the story would greatly differ. Roads would be evenly and more efficiently paved. Modernized cars would replace horseback transportation. Likewise, farms would be replaced by studier homes, markets, and stores.Ellen Elizabeth Hawkins features as the main character of the story. A motherless twelve-year old, Ellen is adventurous and protective of others. Ellen is spirited and is willing to journey to far off lands. As in the story, because she enjoys an adventure, Ellen sets off into the distance to go rescue her Grandfather who has mysteriously disappeared. Just as her mother, Ellen is protective of animals, family, and all living beings. She trea ts her mare, Detroit with respect and is always concerned of Grandpa's safety. However, Ellen may be rebellious at times of suspense.In addition, Grandpa and Detroit, as stated before, are also two important characters of the story. Grandpa, humorous and welcoming, is the only support that is given to Ellen. He has also taught Ellen the hard life as a cowboy and the effort that it may take. Detroit, loyal and obedient, is Allen's fierce mare and use of transportation that travels without rest or fear of what is to come. To get the story started, author Kathleen Due uses a strong introduction that describes the conflict or situation, an intense drought and its immense heat. She begins by stating the shortage of water and supplies.As said, the central problem consists of a fearful drought that is causing immense heat and water shortage. The farm windmill is broken and the herd of bulls and cows has scattered in search of water. Allen's father is away on business and Grandpa is hurt. E llen is now left alone with her toughest challenge to save the ranch. The central problem is soon resolved with Allen's determination and perseverance. The drought finally comes to an end and it begins to rain. Ellen heals Grandpa's wounds and returns the Hereford bull after a dangerous aisle.Her father is home safe and Ellen has proved her worth as a cowboy. â€Å"American Diaries: Ellen Elizabeth Hawkins† is an exciting and action-packed story. This story is similar to another story I have read, entitled â€Å"Warriors: Fire and Ice† because both main characters face tough challenges and fierce conditions. Both main characters must also prove their worth in being or becoming something. Both stories are also alike in that they revolve around a journey or conflict to find or save something. Just as in † American Diaries:

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Case Write Up Barbara Wilson Essay

The main challenge of Barbara Wilson as a Regional Sales Manager is to deal with the drop in growth of sales and earnings of the Food Mix Company. She is supposed to provide some ideas to increase the growth of sales. Here for she needs the help of the District Sales Manager and the Sales Representatives, but unfortunately she just got vague answers from them and didn’t receive valuable feedback. That’s why Barbara is not able to keep up or increase sales in her area. One of the main reasons for her problem is the communication between Barbara and her team. The team doesn’t trust her, they don’t see her as one of them, that’s one of the reasons, why they don’t try to help her with providing ideas for the sales growth by sharing their knowledge. Another cause for the problem of Barbara is the structure of the Food Mix Company (FMC). Employees, who have a long work experience (for example 18 or even 36 years) on the same job at FMC don’t get promoted, instead they have managers, like Barbara, who are much younger and well-trained, with few years of work experience and little knowledge about market characteristics and field work. This is frustrating for the employees and doesn’t support a good relation between them and their managers. Another reason for Barbara’s problem lies is the motivational system at FMC. The reward in the form of a bonus is always paid at the end of the year and depends on completing the yearly target, which is defined by the top of the performance from last year. The sales team is not motivated for an outstanding good performance, because this will raise the target for the next year. That’s why, they try to keep the information about the new market segment (older people) as a secret and hide this important strategic information from the top management. They don’t realize the importance of this information for helping to find a solution for decreasing sales. One option for Barbara to handle these problems is the improvement of the communication between her and the team. She should try to build trust by showing interest in the work and problems of the sales representatives and show them, that she is one of them, for example by spending time with the sales representatives on team meetings, workshops or joining them in the field. By spending more time with her team, Barbara would recognize the existing problems and could try to solve them by talking to the top management and find a better way for the motivation system. Another benefit of improving the communication between Barbara and her team is the chance in improving the intelligibility of the team for the strategies and problems of the FMC, so they would understand the importance of sharing their knowledge.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Coffee shop Essay

Studying the fundamental reasons why the proponents aim to establish a business coffee shop’. A coffee shop or cafeteria businesses are already popular worldwide, too many names, establishment and products. Almost every coffee shop businesses stay long because of satisfying income. How about innovation to this business that have a risk but can probably maximize profit. Mobile coffee shops that acquired equipments that almost within a vehicle that travels to different places is definitely unique and new that’s why it is feasible. The proponents are aiming to study the reasons this business should be implemented and figured out a solution to all the problems that may encounter to the research. These are some reasons and problems: 1. An innovation should have a perfect research before implementing and it is bit difficult to introduce to the mass market. 2. Risky is involved because it can easily bump by other cars that it may destroy the vehicle full of machineries and high value assets and equipment that can probably explode. 3. Implementing is one of the hardest part because it has a lot of process and there were only few high-ways to trip, also it has limited places to go like traveling at the urban areas and primary highways. 4. Supply of coffee beans can be also limited, Benguet, the province itself produce supply of resources wherein the harvest is by season. 5. The weather of course can cause the profit loss especially here in Benguet where rainy season is mostly half-year. I. Project Summary I. 1 NAME OF THE BUSINESS â€Å" Clique Mobile Cafe Clique is the proposed name of the business because it’s a converted vehicle that in just one click it is transformed into a business mobile and it has Wi-Fi. In addition, ‘mobile’, as the word itself, it can travel to one place to another while the mobile itself is the kitchen. I. 2 BUSINESS LOGO I. 3 LOCATION Burnham Park Baguio City, Benguet I. 4 DESCRIPTIVE DEFINITION OF THE PROJECT Clique Cafe is a coffee shop that serves not only beverages but includes food, bread and pastry products. It has small kitchen, machineries in making coffee and pastry products and a small portable comfort room. The dining is an open area just outside around the vehicle wherein all the tables and chairs are portable including the tabernacles and tent that covers the place. It has a dimension of 21ft x 9ft x 9ft. It’s a food and beverage business which the main product is coffee. It travels to different places where people usually hang-out. Clique Cafe serves some beverages such as herbal tea, hot and cold Choco coffee. I. 5 VISION AND MISSION Vision: We aim to travel nationwide to provide the best quality coffee and bread for breakfast in every Filipino household that can purchase our most affordable product. We intend to promote tourism and make our own trademark name of coffee product that positions ourselves as premier coffee shop nationwide. Mission: To provide the best quality and most satisfying offer product with high standard services. To continuously promote teamwork and excellence in our establishment and provide a good environmental relationship between our employees and customers. I. 6 Objective There are two main products we aim to provide to our market. Our cafe will establish the commonly used style of coffee which is serving coffee and bread. But we want to make name for our own product. We aim in making our very own unique taste for our products that our market would want to have. We strongly believe that this would be possible by the aid of using indigenous raw product we have in Baguio. Being a city located in the Benguet Province, the province mainly produces harvest of coffee beans that have quality which can compete with its own flavor. This flavor is what we want to introduce in the mass market. The Province also is the main provider of fresh vegetables and fruits that our cafe can make use of in producing breads. We will able to make recipes from these indigenous products. These are the product that Clique Mobile Cafe would be proud of and carry under its brand. Clique Mobile Cafe goal is to satisfy our customer by the unique products with the very best of goods and services that we can offer. And we want our business and product will known all over the world. I. 7 History †¢Coffee History The history of coffee goes at least as far back as the thirteenth century with a number of myths surrounding its first use. The original native population of coffee is thought to have come from East Africa specifically to Ethiopia, and it was first cultivated by Arabs from the 14th century. The earliest credible evidence of either coffee drinking or knowledge of the coffee tree appears in the middle of the 15th century, in the Sufi monasteries of Yemen. By the 16th century, it had reached the rest of the Middle East, Persia, Turkey and northern Africa. Coffee then spread to the Balkans, Italy and to the rest of Europe, to Indonesia and then to the Americas. †¢Coffee shop History Coffeehouse and coffee shop are related terms for an establishment which primarily serves prepared coffee and other hot beverages. Cafe or cafe or c aff may refer to a coffeehouse, bar, tea room, small and cheap restaurant, transport cafe, or other casual eating and drinking place, depending on the culture. A coffeehouse may share some of the same characteristics of a bar or restaurant, but it is different from a c afeteria. As the name suggests, coffeehouses focus on providing c offee and tea as well as light snacks. Many coffee houses in the Middle East, and in West Asian immigrant districts in the Western world, offer shisha (nargile in Turkish and Greek), flavored tobacco smoked through a hookah. Espresso barsare a type of coffeehouse that specializes in serving espresso and espresso-based drinks. II. MANAGEMENT ASPECT BUSINESS ORGANIZATION A business organization is an individual or group of people that collaborate to achieve certain commercial goals. Some business organizations are formed to earn income for owners. Other business organizations, called nonprofits, are formed for public purposes. These businesses often raise money and utilize other resources to provide or support public programs. 2. 1 Partnership Partnership is a business organization in which two or more individuals manage and operate the business. Both owners are equally and personally liable for the debts from the business. Therefore the proponents will adopt the Partnership form of business. The proponents chose partnership because it’s not big and broad as a corporation and the capital is lesser than a larger business. The proposed project is easily managed by two or more people or the owners itself. ?Rules and Guidelines of Partnership One of the potential drawbacks of a partnership is that the other partners are bound to contracts signed by each other on behalf of the partnership. Choosing partners you can trust, and who are savvy, is critical. †¢Making Money Making money is the first rule because it is the biggest impetus for any deal. The deals that actually get done are the ones that can prove their worth. Companies often have a minimum monetary threshold, but if you can prove that a lucrative alliance can be made, then you should be in discussion about working together. †¢Naming Business Naming business partnership is actually a very important step in creating partnership agreement because it formally establishes the business entity for legal purposes. All documents referring to the partnership should use the partnership’s name, once you and your business partners register it. †¢Contribution to Partnership A partnership agreement must include the capital or property each of the partners is investing in the company. The agreement should also include what roles each partner will be performing when the business is operational, including managerial capacities and who controls the day-to-day operation of the business. The partners dedicate resources such as financial, technical, staff and reputational toward achieving agreed objectives over time. They also establish a new organization with shared governance and a management unit to deliver these activities. Partners don’t draw a salary and share profits and losses equally. Partners have a duty of loyalty to the other partners and must not enrich themselves at the expense of the partnership, and also have a duty to provide financial accounting to the other partners. †¢Allocating Profits and Losses Allocating profits and losses is a key element of company’s partnership agreement. This section of agreement determines how much money each partner stands to make, including what percentage of profit each member may receive, as well as what percentage of business losses each partner must absorb. It’s usually illegal to create a partnership agreement that assigns a higher percentage liability to a partner than the partner originally invested in the company. Keeping responsibility for losses commensurate with each partner’s percentage investment should preserve the legal integrity of the document. †¢Determining Partnership Authority Without specific language detailing each partner’s authority in the business, any partner can force the entire company into a binding legal agreement without the consent of your other partners. Clearly defining each partner’s power within the company to enter into binding agreements keeps the partnership from spreading itself too thin and making bad business decisions. This rule can also put a system in place for the partnership to make business decisions, including rules on voting and obtaining partner consent. The other rules would be found in a written partnership agreement. Such an agreement could outline procedures for making major business decisions, how profits and losses will be split, and how much control each partner maintains. 2. 2 Owner of the Business Clique mobile cafe is owned by Mr. John Ericson P. Amistad and Ahldrin L. Abellera. 2. 3 Organizational Chart MANAGER BARISTA BAKING CHEF SOUSE CHEF CASHIER WAITER/WAITRESS MAINTENANCE.