Sunday, August 11, 2019

Classical American Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Classical American Literature - Essay Example Taking advantage of the portrayal of Whitman's amorous love aching to a steam engine Lawrence resembles him to a lifeless, cruel mechanical device with no feelings. Referring to "Song of myself" where Whitman's openness to everything is given Lawrence appears judgmental. He resembles him to a mush, rather than a self; a mix of flesh and blood, a confused personality rather than a clear-minded person whose death has sucked individuality out of him. Lawrence contents Whitman could not talk of sympathy since he could not get out of his personality to feel any other feeling or sensation. Emulating the situation of one's position Lawrence would merely act as if he lived the sensation. Caught up in his own view of the world, the Oneness, Whitman thought he knew sympathy. On his poems Democracy, En Masse, One Identity, where Whitman again refers to allness as everything being part of a unit and the unit being everything, it is again assumed that everything is part of the unit without having understood the uniqueness of each part or what is this part of the unit. Whitman assumes everyone and everything to be member of this unit and as his self is also part of it then everything is part of him.

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